Saturday, June 19, 2010

La Rosette - Beautiful night!

Went to the Rosette site yesterday. My buddy Francois couldn't make it so I went alone. There were four other people on site. Very nice folks. The sky was clear and the view of the Milky Way was stunning once the Moon was gone. On the list (pics will come soon):

M57 - Ring Nebula
M27 - Dumbbell Nebula
M8 - Lagoon Nebula
M20 - Trifid Nebula
M13 - Hercules Cluster
NGC 7008 - A faint planetary nebula (M=13)
NGC 7000 - NorthAmerica Nebula
NGC 7027
NGC 6946 - Beautiful galaxy! Just wished I had snapped more shots of it!! ugh!

Finally left the site at 3h00AM, tired but very happy! I went through my shots this morning and things look very promising!! :)

So Messier's list status: 7 down, 103 to go!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go! I hope I'll be there next time around ;)
